
Favorite Links

Here you will find some of our favorite links to ministries that we believe are worthy of your time.  We hope you will consider supporting them for the glory of God. 

Nine Marks Ministries

This site is truly dedicated to equipping the local church. Mark Dever has been the guiding force behind this ministry and you will find much needed resources to be encouraged by.

Sovereign Grace Ministries

We have found Sovereign Grace Ministries to be an incredible resource of encouragement to the local church and especially to us. Articles, blogs and resources are made available for free as well as information to timely events.

Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

In a culture that often blurs or misconstrues the good and God-given roles for men and women, this is a strategic ministry. Their site features "the gender blog" and lots of helpful resources available for free.


Clearly not a website for the faint of heart. Here you can delve into the deep end of the theological pool and find a wealth of resources from all the great dead guys, and even those still alive.

Stand to Reason

This is an excellent website dedicated to the Christian apologist. You will find great articles, resources and an exhaustive links to some of the best resources for defending the faith.

Desiring God Ministries

Few men have given to the church as much John Piper. Here you will find John's sermons as well as a whole host of free resources.

Westminster Bookstore

A bookstore that actually provides books of sound biblical content.

The Gospel Coalition

Equipping the next generation for gospel-faithful ministry and promote church reform and culture transformation.